Friday, March 19, 2010


Time to delve into the host family! First of all, they're great! They are so nice and always help me out with everything. Fantastic! My host mom is a delightful woman who is always around, does my laundry (score!) and feeds me. Basically my life line. She tells me hilarious stories of having a 'Hepburn cut' in high school to 'look more mature', and we discuss such things as the origin of the Bloods and the Crips, and Asian horizontal racism in broken and/or simple Japanese.

This is my host mom's delicious cooking. This is a tasty soup she made. Once we ate most of the soup, except for some of the broth, she reboiled it and added eggs and poured over rice. Tasty!

I returned the favor and cooked some pasta with a tomato-creme sauce, garlic bread, and salad. My host dad looked worried when I mentioned I wanted to cook. I told him not to worry, and he seemed to like it in the end!

Little Takeru was trying to chug some Asahi. Luckily it was empty.

It was hilarious nonetheless!

This is our toilet. It has more settings than I know what to do with, a seat warmer, three different types of ass washers, and could probably beat me at chess as well. Shit, it has a level of consciousness meriting a name, so I call it Ronald. As if that isnt enough, Ronald is also eco-friendly, with a built in sink at the top where you wash your hands with the soon-to-be toilet water which refills the basin. Now that I see this it seems almost obvious. Why arent these everywhere?
These appliances filter water, and produce delicious tea. Im not quite sure on the mechanics of them, but when I contact superhuman aliens, maybe they can reverse engineer Japanese appliances and tell me what they are.

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